This year the Easter Bunny did a lot better and tried to get items the kids needed or wanted. We also had a great celebration with Grandma and Grandpa.

Michaela with her Easter basket. She received money, shampoo/conditioner, makeup, sugar-free candy, and a few fun treats and items to keep her beautiful.
Carlos received money, games, socks, and candy
of course. He loved his gifts and has fun searching for
Easter eggs and treats.

Carson received money, sweatshirt, and games and treats. He loved his games and said Easter bunny did good this year, even with hiding the eggs and treats.
YAH for the Easter Bunny!!!!

Carlos at Grandpa and Grandmas searching for eggs. It was actually a nice day. One of maybe 5 good days in 210 days.

Carson searching for an
Easter egg. The new rule is if you find an egg and it is not yours you keep looking for your own eggs. They kids are getting so
technical now. Find your own eggs and no one
Else's. What happen to sharing and dividing up equally. Time change I guess.

Michaela looking at an egg Carson just went looking at. It's
her's and Carson left it for Michaela to find. I guess the rules eliminate having to divide up equally.

Juan trying to help Carlos locate an egg of his. Carlos was having a hard time finding all of his eggs. This year grandma and Grandpa both hid the eggs and both made maps of where they hid eggs. It was fun and it was inside the house and outside the house.

Carson and Michaela searching outside for their
Easter eggs. It was a great day and the grass was even ready for the sun to shine.

Grandpa discussing where some hidden eggs were. Some were hard but others were easy.

helping Carlos count his eggs to make sure we found them all. Of course you always have one lost egg. We did lose one but it is yet to turn up. We
assumed Choius ate it. Who knows???

Carson with his egg stash. He did great and not one of his eggs went missing.

Michaela looking at all her glitter eggs. We had a fun time and all were excited to hunt for eggs. I miss this event but we get to help give clues to where all the eggs are too. Its fun being a parent and watching the smiles on your
children's face when they have found that hard hiding spot or receive something they have been asking for for years.