Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Carson's Surgery

Carson was playing basketball way back in February and got elbowed in the face. It bled and then this bubble appeared. We had it lanced by a dentist and they said it would go away. But it kept coming back. They then said as soon as he gets his braces off it will disappear. As you can see in these pictures he still has his braces on. So what did we decide. We went to an oral surgeon who is much more knowledgeable on the mouth than a normal dentist. He told us that Carson had injured his salivary glands and that it will not fix itself and that the braces will not make it go away. The only choice he has is surgery. So we made the appointment to knock Carson out and get this big bubble removed. He looked like he was chewing  or had a big wad of cotton in his lip before. This bubble was BIG. It was bugging him too.

 This is what they removed plus some. They had to remove more than they thought because other salivary glands were hurt. This is the chunk and it was about as big as your thumb tip (a women's thumb).
 Here is the after and the stitched mouth. He did well in surgery and didn't even freak when they put the IV in or even flinch when they pocked him. Carson has this major fear of needles and he did extremely well. He is now excited to show off his wound but has to miss soccer and possible 3 days of school to relax.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Performance Cup!!!

Carson and his team getting a team picture after taking 2nd at performance cup. This was a fun tournament. It too was decided by PK's, which we all hate. That means the game was tied and each boy on both teams takes a shot at the goal and it's the best out of 5 and if still tied they go the best out of 8 and then the best out of the 13-16.
Carson getting his medal.
Carson being fould pretty good here.
A goal shot. I just liked how spread out the goaly was. How much effort he put into saving the ball. We scored here.
Carson playing great soccer.
Getting into the game. Can you see Carson. He is number 29.
Carson headed down to score. He either made this and it was called back becasue someone on his team was offsides. We were sad but we know he can at least score and make the shot.

Canyon Rim

Can you see Carlos. Take a close look. I thought this was so neat. Carlos having fun just being in a field and being a boy. This is when you know the kids miss out on the country and just walking andplaying in the fields. All kids should be requiered to be on a farm for a bit to learn how to survive without cell phones, computers, TV, the Wii, Nintendo,etc......
Carlos with Ben and Sean in the field hunting for who knows what. They had a blast looking.
Carlos carrying some dead grass to make a big pile of who knows what. He was entertained for hours.
Carlos playing with a few of his buddies. They are brothers of teammates of Carson.

Carson getting into the game. Do you see how he fouls. He did get called for this foul but it was to our advantage, this time. Not all fouls work out good.
Carson calling for the ball to help set up a goal. They did score here. It was sweet.
Carson an his great ball control. He assisted in several goals during the tournaments.
Carson taking a look at Carlos playing in the field. Do you see Carlos?
Carson playing quite aggresive. He is getting better and better every day. This is where he gets all his energy out. A great place besides beating up your brother or sister.
PVSC united waving at us right before the championship game . Carson is on the left end.
The boys waving at us all before the championship game. Its cute and an honor for the boys. Carson is number 29. the small one on the left end.
Carson thanking Jorge for his hard work after blocking many of the PK's. He was the only teammate to thank Jorge.
Canyon RIm 2nd place team. The boys worked so hard for this game. It came down to PK's which we all hate. They did awesome and were quite emotional after this loss. 2nd was a great finish though.


Carson thorw in. Carson is getting so good at soccer. He knows he is getting better and we all enjoy watching his team.
Carson hoofing it down the field to help out.
Carson taking some PK's. We hate these because it is so much pressure on the boys but they take them and pray they make them. Carson missed but was close.
Carson sitting in the shade. One of our hot days which is rare in Pocatello in April.
Carson going after the ball in a tournament game. He did pretty well in this game.

Look where the ball is. Perfectly balanced on Carsons hip. Of course it was only a minute but a great picture moment.

Carson and his team so excited they won their game.
Going through the tunnel after a great game.
Carson checking out his metal after their team won the PVSC Championship!

PVSC CHampions!!!!

Carlos Soccer

Carlos is having fun playing soccer. This is his first year playing with his age group. Usually he plays up a year because of how tall he is and his skill level. This year YDP didn't allow any play ups so Carlos is learning to be patient with a team who doesn't fully understand the game of soccer. Already he is having coaches recruit him at age 9 to play for their team next year but he can't decide between that and American football. He wants to play with his team he has played with since he is 3 and they are considering letting him next year (this would again be playing up 1 year) He may also play for a travel team that has been watching him. Carson said ," Carlos is already being scouted out. WOW!"
Carlos taking a penalty shot. I can't remember if he made it but he had fun kicking it.
Carlos fighting for the ball and trying to dribble it down field. He gets pretty intense.
Carlos passing the ball to one of his teammates.
Carlos running and doing his best to enjoy the game.
Carlos getting into the game. He gets a bit frustrated because not many of his teammates get the idea of soccer. They still just follow the ball. He already knows that if you pass to someone down field you score faster but his team is still learning. It does help that Carlos has a brother that he plays against that is ranked #1 in the state in the 13 year old league. Good practice for Carlos.
Carlos getting the ball turned around and getting ready to run for a goal. He however did not score but was really close.
Carlos again getting the ball and controling it pretty well. This team wants Carlos on their team next year. Both coaches came to Carlos and his dad and asked if he wanted to play for their team next year. Yes, soccer is a very competetive game.

Carlos picture taking skills.

Carlos is trying to get ready for a new project for next year and this is his start. I believe he has an eye for picture taking. Pretty good for a 9 year old. He had a blast and thanks to grandma, he is ready to get this next years project started and finished. Grandmas are the best!

Mother robin sitting on her eggs.

Carlos and grandma scared the robin away so they could see if she had eggs or babies. and guess what?........
She had 2 eggs and 2 babies. I guess babies hatch a different times too.

 Can you see the robin?
Carlos was so excited. At first he wasn't so sure but then he didn't want to stop. He even took it to school to show them what grandma had in her backyard. A total hit!
Can you see those babies with the little fur they have. Hopefully the other eggs will hatch.