Friday, June 28, 2013

Felsman Family Reunion- BEAR LAKE!!!

 Family Picture 2013. We are however missing Rick and Steve. We missed them and hope to see them soon. We will photo shoot you in.
 Our set up minus the boat which I am standing by.
 The first evening Loni and Michaela went for a swim but the rest of us just watched and enjoyed.
 Carlos being so helpful. He took the kids around and played with all of them. He's my hero!
 Getting all hooked up and having fun in the boat.
 The boys doing their thing. Doesn't Tyler look like he fits into our family?
 Michaela and Carson having a blast. Getting ready to ride the waves.
 Now Carson driving and getting to ride the waves.
 Debi and Ada relaxing.
 Jody and Debi getting ready to ride the waves. Tyler is on now.
 Joss played here for hours all by herself.
 Loni doing her duty as a big sister.
 Joss and Tyler playing at the beach. They loved the sun!
 Another getting ready and having fun. All are sun burnt yet had a great time.
Waving "BYE" until next time. Love you all Felsman crew!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

All Caught Up!

As some of you may know I started working at the school district full time this year along with continuing my education at Idaho State University. Needless to say, I am so busy I don't even have time to pee. I work, go to school, go to any games, practices, help with homework, try to make dinner, study, try to stay in touch with my husband, and try to sleep. Some days I go to bed at 2 or 3 and feel great when I wake up....No I'm lying. I am almost finished and decided to take summer school to get even a better jump start. I hate it. Four plus papers due every week is killing me but I am doing great and trying to keep myself sane. When I am pooped or tired of studying or doing homework I take the kids out to eat or go do something. Only 2 and a half weeks left and then some fun. I want to take more classes but I think I need to rest and have fun with my kids over the summer. Enjoy them because before you know it they will be gone. Michaela is a senior at Highland and Carson is a freshman and Carlos is in 5th grade. He is keeping me young. Thank you. I love this life but it is hard. One day at a time and just enjoy what comes your way. Don't sweat too much and Don't hold a grudge. It only hurts you. Love you all and enjoy your family, friends, and yourself.

Final Soccer pictures...Carson

An Uncle of one of Carson's teammates took these great photos and with a very knowledgeable husband with computers we got them. I love what they capture and it makes you feel as if you are getting a bit of insight into who Carson is. ENJOY!
Carson getting a header. Love the face and concentration.

 Some great boys who played their hearts out!
 Carson receiving his medal from his coach, who has coached him the past 6 1/2 years. No on to High school soccer.
 One of everyone's favorites. He is tired but has a look that he still has something to do.
 YEAH! we can do this and one down only a few more games to go.
 Carson in action and can you see his hands and the intensity in his face.
 YES! We did it. Just relaxing before the ceremony.
Don't know what was happening here but Carson said he didn't want to smile and he remembers getting this picture taken. A great pic.
We are truly soccer fans. I love that my son enjoys it and that even though he has asthma this has never stopped him from running some 5+ miles in every game he plays. More than ready for high school yet he will be a Highland Ram when I was a Pocatello Indian and still am(get the pun?)

Winter is Back!!!

 When it rains it SNOWS!!! in Idaho. This was just Wednesday and yes we went out in it but did not stand under the sky....under the porch because these hailstones were BIG.
 Carlos across the street watching the hailstorm. It was amazing and it stopped and then came again. Just like Pocatello weather. Someone prayed for it to stop but someone else was grateful for the moisture.
 Carson holding the hail so you can see how big some of it was.
 All the hailstones coming from the gutter. It was a sight to see.
This rose was untouched. It was protected by my porch. YEAH! I just took it because it just bloomed and I was afraid it would get ruined. The weather in Idaho is great!

Bannock Boys Baseball Tourny

 Carlos had a great time playing baseball. It was his first year and he understood everything quite well beside hitting. He can hit but just struggled during the games.
 Carlos ready for a ball and it was windier than crud this day.
Carlos at the bat. He did great and I think he scored on this one too.
The team. What a great bunch of boys. They sure had a good time and learned a great deal. None of them played together every and we had a few first timers, like Carlos.

Fishing....No Girls allowed!

 The boys went fishing and had a great time. Carson was being a teenager before he went but came home with a better attitude. What some fresh air and guy time can do. Thank you!
Can't get this to turn so here is a picture of Carlos and a fish. Great time.

 Grandpa with his fish. I believe this was the only catch of the day but like I said.....Guys need there outside time.
 Carson and his dad enjoying the water. By the way when they all got home and for a few hours after, they said they still felt like they were on the water.
Carlos just enjoying the boat. Growing up too fast!

State Cup Idaho

 A great picture taken by an uncle of one of Carson Teammates. He sales these and I believe this is by far the BEST picture.
 Carson getting a pass and just enjoying the great day.
This young man received a yellow card for a elbow. Soccer is getting rougher and rougher.
At State we did not place but we sure played hard. We were just off a bit.