Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Carson-The Eagle Scout

Carson loves scouting and was really inspired as a young boy to do everything in scouts. He finally completed his Eagle in January and was awarded his Eagle on March 5, 2014. He would of had it sooner if he could have gotten his camping days in but as an athlete in soccer kept him from receiving it earlier. His friend Jared also received it the same day.
Carson and Jared getting a few last merit badges.
Carson and Jared being sworn in as Eagle scouts.
The Eagle scout with his parents.
Carson and Jared in front of a blanket made by Jared's grandmother for the occasion.
Michaela and the Eagle Scout, Carson
Carson sitting in the Eagles nest with all the other Eagle scouts
Carson listening to the last of his award acceptance. What a great event and I am glad Carson had the desire to achieve this goal and hopefully it will be the start of something even better. CONGRATULATIONS CARSON!!!

Carlos from Webelos to 11 year old scout

Our children have been quite busy with finishing up projects before we move on to new and better things. Carlos great project was to get his Webelos badge and arrow of light. Here he received his Weblos but next month will be the arrow of light.
A project as a family that we constructed. A hot air balloon with a rider and face.
Carlos playing with the limbo stick.
The cakes each scout made to pass off a pin.
Carlos receiving one of the two awards.
Being congratulated and thanking the scout master. 

The Witness of a Great Engagement

Our close friends children go engaged a couple weeks ago and we had the privilege of attending. We have know them since Juan an I got married and we love both families. Who would of thought that someday these two kids would marry. They make a great couple and have many of the same future goals....Especially temple marriage.
Here is the table set up at Papa Kelsey's. A funny place to get engaged but yet who would forget?
Her expression after Derrick popped the question.
She said YES and they plan to marry June 11, 2014
The beautiful ring. I liked how it was never-ending. They call these rings "Infinity" rings.
The awesome couple. We wish them the best and will see them in a few months as husband and wife. Derrick and Abby.

Juans new Toy

Juan has a friend that was selling one of their four wheelers because they bought a Dune buggy. We talked about it and decided it was a great deal so we went to buy it but when we went they decided not to sell it. Well to make a long story short, they finally decided again to sell it and we went as soon as they said yes so we didn't miss the opportunity. Here is the new toy.
 Michaela and Carlos trying it out. They enjoy it already.
The four wheeler.
Carlos and Michaela after the trip around the block. It has been quite cold but they were too excited not to go for a ride.