Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Congratulations Tate and Jody!!!!!

Jocelyn Jade Lounsbery!!!! was born Monday Feb. 2, 2009 @ 4:50pm. She was 8lbs 2oz. and 20.5 inches long. She is a healthy little girl and Jody did a marvelous job getting her here. Jody worked over 24 hours to get Jocelyn here. Jody is a strong sister and we are glad the doctors decided that Jody and Jocelyn had worked long and hard enough and finally did a c-section. Jody, Tate , and my mom were all exhausted but Jocelyn is worth everything in the world. We love you Jody and Tate and are so excited Jocelyn decided to join us here on earth. I love Jocelyns middle name. It's my favorite color and one of my favorite names. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Pictures to follow..........

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