Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Programs

Michaela singing at one of her Christmas programs. They have a great select girls choir that is quite talented. They are very fun to listen to. They had four choir concerts over the holiday. 3 were required and the other was volunteer only.
Carson singing for his Christmas program. He loves it when we support him.

Carlos isn't excited at all to have us here, as you can see on his face. He loves at great audience.

Carlos singing his lungs out for all to hear. Carson singing for all of us.

Michaela and her great group of friends all singing beautifully.

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

Gooooood pictures, it looked like you all had a good time and enjoyed your trip to Texas. It is always good to see family and see how much everyone has changed. That is the first time i think I have seen a picture of David in years. A good selection of pictures and very good family pictures of Juan's family. One day you will not have everyone together and the pictures will be priceless. Thanks for sharing your trip. Dad