Thursday, April 15, 2010

Carson is 11 years old!!!

My Carson is now 11 years old. Wow has time flown that fast. That just means I'm getting that much older. Scary. I wonder what he wished for?
Carson opening some of his gifts from his friends. Thanks to all who came and help us celebrate.

Carson peaking through one of his cards. Is there something in it?........Of course. $$$$$

Carson and some of his buddies coming home from Outer Limits.

Carson playing a shooting game with one of his buddies, Austin.

Carlos getting all the tickets he can. He loves playing games and just having fun.

Carson and Korbin shooting some hoops at Outer Limits Fun zone.
A fun place to have a birthday especially on those cold rainy days. Although Carson's birthday party had perfect weather. We couldn't ask for better. Love you Carson and Happy 11th Birthday!!!!

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

I had fun at this birthday. I love being with all the kids and just watching them enjoy one another. Children grow up so fast. I like every stage especially if they are trying hard to keep connected to their Heavenly Father. No time is easy- each stage has its challenges. we just want our kids healthy and happy. Carson is a good boy. I really like him almost as much as I love him... Love, Mom