Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of School Year Events

Carson and Mr. Merica end of year pictures just for me. Thanks for being a great teacher Mr. Merica!
Carson and Grandma waving at me from one of their stop points. They loved the field trip.

Carson getting ready to go on the 5th grade bike hike. They bike about 8 miles total for the end of the year fun day. Grandma went with him and they had a blast. Thanks Grandma, You're the BEST!!!!

Carson receiving an award for Presidential excellence in school. You have to be in the top 90% in your ISAT scores to receive this award.

Carson with one of his many awards he was awarded. Perfect Attendance...WOW!!!!!

Carlos and Kaleb enjoying their time at field day. A little overcast but a great day to end on.

Carlos receiving an award for being a great AR reader. Mrs. Henson and Kaleb his buddy.
Thanks Mrs. Henson for being the greatest teacher!!!
Michaela at the end of the year concert at Hawthorne Middle School. She has a great voice and I believe she will miss all her friends as they go three different ways to three different schools.

Carlos is being a Computer technician, but not just a normal one like his Dad but a nerdy technician. He wanted to be a brain surgeon but I couldn't find any scrubs small enough ssssssssssoooooooo next year we will let him be a brain surgeon with me looking for scrubs now till then.

Career day at Ellis and Carson has always wanted to be just like his Grandpa, a police officer. Wont he make a great policeman one day?


Terry and Gail said...

I can't even believe it is the end of another school year... Carson going to the Junior High (Hawthorne), Michaela going to high school (Pocatello) and Carlos in second grade (Ellis)...three schools. Amazing. It was a fun end of the year I just wish there would be a little extra sunshine. We need to see some Michaela baseball pictures. They are such a darling team. Maybe a couple with Juan coaching third base. Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

good job everyone with your end of the school year awards and other stuff. it all looked like a lot of fun. loved the career day photos too. michelle, you could probably make him some scrubs. i think they would be an easy sewing project (i've seen patterns at the stores.)
ps carson had perfect attendance! wow!!! i don't think i ever got that award. impressive.