The whole family is back in school. Juan is taking Graduate classes, I am trying to finish my bachelors degree, and the kids are all in new schools/classes. I dreaded the paying process and would rather pay for High school 10X than college. College books take all your savings alone. But we are all excited to be that much closer to Christmas break and able to see our friends everyday.

Carlos was the only one who would let me take a picture of him at his school. Michaela and Carson said they would do it on a week end or when no one was there. I hate that my children are growing up and get
embarrassed easier. I guess that's what happens when we get "old".

Michaela, Carson and Carlos were good sports though to let me get a picture of them at home on their first days of school. They all looked great and they are all at different school. Michaela is now a High
schooler, Carson is a Middles s
chooler, and Carlos is a 2
nd grader. Carlos was so excited to go to school and ready to learn more. Carson was
excited to see who was in his class and have a locker. Michaela is so social that being at school is like a party, except for all the homework she received the first day of school. She even had more homework the second day of school. This is
new for her. She rarely had homework in Middle school.
Really cute post. I know- why do we spend so much time worrying about being embarrassed- embarrassing is having your clothes fall off or having a tampax fall out of your purse or forgetting to zip up your zipper and no one tells you so you wonder how many noticed. They are darling grandchildren. Love, Mom
good pictures! maybe michaela and carson will let a friend take their picture at school. :)
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