Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas morning was great and the kids woke up earlier than last year ( about 7:00am). I was awake already too. I think I am more excited for Christmas than my children though. I remember waking my parents up at 5 am and Dad always told us, at 7: I'll get out of bed but of course we got him moving earlier. Picture of the tree and all the kid's gifts from "Santa" and Mom and Dad.

The kids so excited to get moving on opening up their gifts. They are really getting along a lot better.

Carlos and all his gifts from "Santa" and Mom and Dad. He hit the mother load.

Carson and his gifts. All this kid wanted was games and games and more games. Of course new soccer cleats are always a must too.

Michaela was so excited to get her new clothes, and tons of shoes. She was quite easy to shop for this year. The boys were very hard to buy for, items were only sold online.

At my mom's where we went around 9:00 to open up the gifts Grandma and grandpa and all the aunts and uncles had given us all. We had a blast and it was great to be home this year and enjoy the two year olds, Joss and Ada. How excited they are for gifts and more gifts.

Carlos showing a gift he received. The kids loved what they got and are even sporting some of their gifts from mom and Texas family.

Michaela opening up a gift and Jody in the back ground. She is pregnant with baby #2 and looks amazing.

Carson and Joss getting into their stockings. One of our favorite gifts are always in the stockings, lotion, gum, pencils, and toothbrushes.

The day before Christmas, Carson and Carlos built gingerbread houses and did a very great job. Carson was quite the builder. He had the magic touch and helped Loni build one that same day.
Christmas was great this year. We were so blessed to have almost everyone here. Rick was in the Phillipeans and Steve stayed in Washington and celebrated Christmas with his girlfriend. We sure love her and miss them all.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Carlos Thanksgiving Celebrations

Carlos at his Thanksgiving Feast. Grandma was nice enough to go in my place because I had to work and the feast was 10am till noon. I get off at noon. Bummer but grandma was great help.

Carlos enjoying his feast.

A play that Carlos and some of his reading class put on for the second graders.

Carlos waiting to perform his play. It's cute. Watch the video.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick trip to Virginia!!!

Ada opening one of her Christmas presents "Santa" brought early. It was a basketball for her basketball hoop.

Loni with her present. A digital camera. She is a natural at taking pictures like her mom.

Loni helping Ada open her big basketball gift. She is a great shot like her mommy.

Ada getting beautiful in the bathroom. She was by my side a lot of the time I spent in Virgina. We were great pals.

Tyce being a great baby in the car ride to the Airport.

Waiting to get on the plane in Virgina. We were all excited but not to excited because we knew we were going to be on a plane for 9 hours. YUCK!!!

Loni excited to be going to Idaho for Christmas break. YES, On my way home.

Ada fell asleep on the plane. The first time this has ever happened. Aunty Michelle performed a miracle with her on the 9 hour plane ride. She was great and we are still best pals.

Loni slept much of her time on the plane. She does however have a great slide kick as Ada and I experience them a ton.

Debi and Tyce worn out on our second plane ride to Idaho. We had three plane rides but made it safely to Idaho.

A view from the plane of Chicago Illinois. It was beautiful and all lit up.

Ada being the garbage picker-upper. We let her run around and get her energy our in the Las Vegas airport. We were all going crazy and ready to be home but of course our plane was delayed an hour and a half again. Chicago and San Diego and Virginia were all having YUCKY weather....hence the delays.
This was a fast trip but well worth getting to go see where Debi lives and just experiencing being on a plane by myself and helping Debi with her kids was great. I love you Deb and thanks for asking me to come help you.

Ada was so funny. I didn't want her to make a big mess when we were eating at the airport. I however didn't have to worry because she is the best cleaner ever. If we would have had to stay any longer the whole Las Vegas Airport would have been spic and span.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Parade of Lights/Christmas celebrations

Eric Anderson carrying the American flag at the parade of lights.

Carlos getting comfortable and ready to watch the parade of lights.

Carlos and Michaela enjoying the show in Downtown Pocatello at the Parade of Lights.

Santa at the end of the Parade. Short sweet parade.

Carlos excited to be going home and he loved the Parade of Lights.

Michaela is learning how to drive by her mom taking her out for a few test runs so she will be somewhat comfortable. She is also getting used to this car because her mom is giving her her car, 2004 Toyota Camry as her first car. Notice how close she is. Michaela is gifted to be short, a whole 4 foot 8 inches.

Carlos with the "Real Santa" at the police Christmas party.

A few of the "Tough" COPS after a game of Lazar tag. They had a blast and grandpa was a great sport to be the oldest and highest ranked officer there. Grandpa is still a kid at heart.

Carson lived at this game. He loves to shoot and play war games.

Carson and Carlos wrestling in the Big Kids toy.

Carson posing for a picture at Grandma and Grandpas Ward Christmas party. Yes he asked for everything over $50. Boys are sure expensive.

Carlos asking the "Helper Santa" for his Christmas gifts. Carlos is pretty smart and you can't hardly ever trick him.

Michaela was a great sport to pose on Santa's lap. I want her to be little still but this high-schooler is growing up too fast!!!!

Carson waiting to sing at his Choir concert at Hawthorne Middle School.

Carson squeezed in between the girls but sang great.

Carlos getting positioned on the risers for his Christmas Program.

Carlos smilin for his mom. I'm so glad the Ellis had several performances so his Mom who now works at Wilcox can come see all his programs.

Carson and Carlos's Christmas programs

Carlos Awards

Carlos received Good Citizenship award and He was quite excited to get his picture. Can you tell?
Carlos receiving 1st place in the Reflection program. He wrote a poem about being together we can do anything. He did an awesome job.

Carlos with his awards and certificates. He was so excited.