Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick trip to Virginia!!!

Ada opening one of her Christmas presents "Santa" brought early. It was a basketball for her basketball hoop.

Loni with her present. A digital camera. She is a natural at taking pictures like her mom.

Loni helping Ada open her big basketball gift. She is a great shot like her mommy.

Ada getting beautiful in the bathroom. She was by my side a lot of the time I spent in Virgina. We were great pals.

Tyce being a great baby in the car ride to the Airport.

Waiting to get on the plane in Virgina. We were all excited but not to excited because we knew we were going to be on a plane for 9 hours. YUCK!!!

Loni excited to be going to Idaho for Christmas break. YES, On my way home.

Ada fell asleep on the plane. The first time this has ever happened. Aunty Michelle performed a miracle with her on the 9 hour plane ride. She was great and we are still best pals.

Loni slept much of her time on the plane. She does however have a great slide kick as Ada and I experience them a ton.

Debi and Tyce worn out on our second plane ride to Idaho. We had three plane rides but made it safely to Idaho.

A view from the plane of Chicago Illinois. It was beautiful and all lit up.

Ada being the garbage picker-upper. We let her run around and get her energy our in the Las Vegas airport. We were all going crazy and ready to be home but of course our plane was delayed an hour and a half again. Chicago and San Diego and Virginia were all having YUCKY weather....hence the delays.
This was a fast trip but well worth getting to go see where Debi lives and just experiencing being on a plane by myself and helping Debi with her kids was great. I love you Deb and thanks for asking me to come help you.

Ada was so funny. I didn't want her to make a big mess when we were eating at the airport. I however didn't have to worry because she is the best cleaner ever. If we would have had to stay any longer the whole Las Vegas Airport would have been spic and span.

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

Gee, I kept looking at the top post on your blog and it said "Carlos's Thanksgiving Feasts" I never even looked at the dates so I never looked at the lower posts. This one is really cute. Thanks for helping Debi out because I know it was a bad time to be taking a trip. Big sacrifice. Love, Mom