This is Alyssa. Probably Juans favorite player on the team. She is a quiet young lady but full of spirit and a great attitude. She makes Juan enjoy coaching 12 teenage girls. Of course he loves Michaela but coaching your daughter comes with its perks.
Micahela getting ready to take a swing at that all so important yellow ball.
A cool picture of Lexi jumping so the ball would not hit her. If the ball hits you, you advanced to 1st and don't get a chance to hit. Lexi is a great batter and loves to hit the ball.
Michaela and Lexi coming in after 3 outs. The team has done quite well and we are ranked 3 in the city.
Thanks to all our Fans who support the girls and cheer us on. We love you and you help make our games successful.
One of our Umpires and Juan watching a girl run to second and hoping she will be safe.
so juan is coaching one of michaela's teams? which one? glad they are both enjoying it.
There are perks and disadvantages to coaching your daughter... it is hard not to be come to concerned. I don't know if I could do it. It has been fun watching Michaela play, too. Sorry I missed so many. They all look so cute in their girl type baseball uniforms. Love, Mom
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