Friday, October 5, 2012

Jackson Hole Tourny and BAR J WRANGLER

 Carlos was asked by an older team if he would join their team and play at some tournaments and games with them. He was honored and decided he would play both soccer and football this fall. He is quite busy and deciding which sport he likes most. I believe he is favoring football but time will tell and it is no hurry.
Carlos being a boy with his friends.
Carlos shooting some goal shots. He was doing pretty good from moms standpoint.
Carson going in for a header.
Carlos watching the ball before he made his move.
Carlos taking a corner kick. Poor kid put it right where it need to be but no one there to take advantage.
Carlos coming in to get the ball. He sure worked hard at this tournament. He was one of three kids to score on the team he was on all tournament. He scored first.
Carson an his amazing header.
Carson played a ton in the tournaments and even more at all his weekly games. He is getting tired but not complaining because he is playing a ton.
The team getting checked for shin guards and other appropriate equipment.
The beautiful sun coming up in Jackson Hole ,WY. It was chilly but fun to be out this early to see such an amazing view!
Carson working hard at another game. He played about all but 5 minutes in this game. Needless to say he had another game a few hours later and was beat.
Carson working hard to get control and pass the ball off.
Carson shooting a penalty shot. He had three of these but was beat either by the goaly or the dang pole.
The championship game. The team waves and thanks you for coming to see them.
One of Carson near goals. The goaly saved this one. bummer for Carson. He is soooo close.
Getting the 1st place medal. Yah for Pocatello United!!
This picture is out of order but this is Carson reaction when he missed the goal by a millimeter.
The team in all their gold. They were excited to win because the team they played beat them on Saturday by 4 and then they came back an won by 4. You can never tell who is going to win.


 We went to the Bar J Wrangler Saturday night and we had a blast. The entertainment was awesome but the food wasn't the best. But together with great company was the BEST!!! Family!
 Carson teasing Carlos and this was one of the only times I saw him smile. BOYS?????
 Carson and his magnifying glass he stole from Carlos.
 Boys will be boys even when they are OLD!
 Michaela and the BEARS. She loved them and they loved her. I couldn't turn the picture for some reason.
 The boys being funny. I love when they let their hair down.
 Carlos in a perfect picture moment.
All of us together. A nice lady took this. It is a bit out of focus but at least we are all their. This is a fun Family show. Debi and Jody when you come for the summer next year we need to all go. It is little kid friendly too. I will volunteer now to watch the little runners so you can enjoy this great family night. BAR J WRANGLER Here come the Felsman crew next summer. You better be ready!


Debi said...

Cool! Love all the photos. It has been so long since I have seen them all play their sports. Get some video next time please! I like to see the action in action. Love ya debi

Terry and Gail said...

Cute post, Michelle. I should have figured you would do some this weekend with school off and tv church. I agree, family is the best company. And why do boys smile when they cause others discomfort. They ought to be ashamed! Love, Mom

Terry and Gail said...

Oh... I thought the soccer stuff and the Bar J stuff were two different posts... silly me. Good pictures of the games, too. Carson got some pretty good heigth on some of his attempts at headers... the more he plays the more endurance he will develop. sorory about the dang poles and goalies... with time he will find a way around them and in to the goal! Love, Mom