Michaela has been taking art over the last few years and loves it. She says some are harder than others but she loves it. As an kid I remember always drawing in sacrament meeting and all of us kids became pretty good. It was and outlet and we loved doing it. A few years ago I went back to school and had to take and Elementary art class and began drawing again. Michaela saw this and I told her that art is pretty fun. Soooo, here is some of her art. What do you think?
This piece took her quite a while and is only done with graphite pencils.
This piece has also been asked to be purchased. How much would you sell your original art for? $150???
I love her art... I should get prints of some of her stuff to put in her frames down in my basement. I have no idea how much she should charge. I think she should keep taking art though... even in college. Love, Grandma
cool stuff! what was her inspiration for the first piece? i love them both.
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