Friday, July 4, 2014

Sold Home and New Home

We SOLD our home on 4943 Rose St and bought a new home on 777 Leonidas St. After 3X trying to sell we finally did it. We are so excited but also sad to leave our second home of almost 11 years.
Garage is empty and all are helping to get the house clean and sparkly for new owners.
Empty storage room. I will miss this room and wanting this room to be at the new home. In time.
Empty family room
Carson's empty room
Dad fixing the railing after cramming the coach up the tight stairs.
The lush lawn and flowers.
The empty kitchen
The empty garage.

Introducing the new house which will soon become our home.

777Leanoidas St. Chubbuck, Idaho
The new kitchen. More pictures to follow after we are in the home and functioning after some trips that have been planed for Michaela and the family.



Debi said...

Thanks for the pictures. I will be excited and waiting for the next set. Hope your summer is going great. Miss you and love ya. Debi

Terry and Gail said...

I will miss your former house, too. But I do love the new house. It just takes a while to get a home just the way you like it. Be patient. Love, Mom