Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Debi visit Part 2/Jody comes to visit too.

All 6 grand kids together. Michaela, Jocelyn, Carson, Ada, Carlos, and Loni. Two more on the way. We are so excited. One is a boy and the other we don't know yet but are excited for whatever is in the oven.

A few of us celebrating Loni's 8th birthday. This is an exciting birthday for her. Loni will get baptized and her little brother will get blessed the same weekend. We are so excited for you all.

Juan feeding Joss some ice cream cake. Joss loved Juan and Juan loves Joss. They got along great and Joss knew Juan would give her whatever she wanted plus some. They ate together a lot.

Loni blowing out her birthday candles. Happy birthday Loni!!!

Loni opening one of her many gifts at Grandma and Grandpas home. We were excited we got to celebrate her birthday with her.

Joss and Juan eating and relaxing together.

Grandpa's project for the summer. He removed all the concrete and it wasn't an easy task. It looks awesome and we won't trip on the cracks anymore. Great job Dad!!!

Grandpa hard at work breaking up the steps and they were solid, solid, solid. We all loved watching him use this jack hammer. Noise and the house vibrated.

Jody relaxing in front of the fire pit. She is pregnant and miserable. What us moms do to get children into this world. That dang Eve.

Debi on the down hill of her pregnancy. I don't believe Debi knew I took this photo. She is only 10 weeks away or less from having this little boy.

Carlos, Loni, and Carson loving the day and eating a ton of "Smores".

Joss and Juan again eating and Joss ate practically the whole Popsicle her self.

Ada trying out Joss's bink. She didn't enjoy it much.

Joss loved everything except green beans that we fed her. She can really eat. I bet she gained 5 pound from us feeding her. Sorry Jod.

Joss and Juan. Joss would run so fast for Juan when he would come to visit. Tate you have done a great job. We missed you Tate and we know Joss did too.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Annual camping trip with friends

Our Camp site at Indian Springs in American Falls, Idaho. It was simple and pretty.
Carlos using a butter knife to make himself a walking stick.

Carlos enjoying the pool at Indian Springs.

Carlos jumping off into the pool. He was so brave and he didn't even have a floating device.

Carson was great. He was helpful and loved the water. He was the fish for a day.

Carson loved trying to dunk Troy along with help from Karson and Hunter.

Some great games we played included who could eat the pie the fastest. I believe Juan won the race.

Carson and Carlos eating the pie as fast as they could. Hunter Eborn won this with all the kids.

Carson and Carlos eating their donuts as fast as they could. Hunter Eborn won this race too but all the kids had fun. Carson came in dead last. The wind kept moving his donut and almost making it impossible for him toe eat his donut.

The men enjoying a round of Corn hole. It was a great FAST and relaxing trip. Thanks for a great time.

Water fun!!! In the Portneuf River???

While Michaela was at girls camp with our new ward, we all went and enjoyed a local watering hole in the Portneuf river. It was beautiful and fun.

The boys all checking out the rope swing and how deep the hole really was.

Carson earning his dinner for the night. If he went off the rope he got to go to Wing-It. As you can see he is on the rope and did let go for his dinner.

Carlos on the other hand never let go so we made him be brave and swim in the hole for his dinner, as he is still afraid of water and what it can do.

Juan was the first to take the plunge. He was brave and I was the chicken.
But.... I finally did it. I got brave and jumped right in...

The boys and me soaking our feet and looking at the tadpoles. It was cool and fun.

Carlos on the rope swing. He could really get far out there. He had fun and it was something different then Ross Park or Lava. Taking in all that nature has to offer us for free. YEAH!!!

Carson acting like Carlos. Carlos was afraid of the moving water and of drowning. Carlos is my very careful child. Carson was brave and loved the water.