A few of us celebrating Loni's 8th birthday. This is an exciting birthday for her. Loni will get baptized and her little brother will get blessed the same weekend. We are so excited for you all.
Juan feeding Joss some ice cream cake. Joss loved Juan and Juan loves Joss. They got along great and Joss knew Juan would give her whatever she wanted plus some. They ate together a lot.
Loni blowing out her birthday candles. Happy birthday Loni!!!
Loni opening one of her many gifts at Grandma and Grandpas home. We were excited we got to celebrate her birthday with her.
Loni opening one of her many gifts at Grandma and Grandpas home. We were excited we got to celebrate her birthday with her.
Joss and Juan eating and relaxing together.
Grandpa's project for the summer. He removed all the concrete and it wasn't an easy task. It looks awesome and we won't trip on the cracks anymore. Great job Dad!!!
Grandpa hard at work breaking up the steps and they were solid, solid, solid. We all loved watching him use this jack hammer. Noise and the house vibrated.
Grandpa hard at work breaking up the steps and they were solid, solid, solid. We all loved watching him use this jack hammer. Noise and the house vibrated.
Jody relaxing in front of the fire pit. She is pregnant and miserable. What us moms do to get children into this world. That dang Eve.
Debi on the down hill of her pregnancy. I don't believe Debi knew I took this photo. She is only 10 weeks away or less from having this little boy.
Despite the mess from Dad's project- so glad that is done... it looks so good and now Dad can finally rest... I was getting so worried about him- the sick pregnant mom, the uncomfortable pregnant mom, the messed up grandma... we did have a good visit. I so love Debi coming and being with Loni and Ada (even though Ada still seems to not really want to be close to me- that will change with time, I hope) and having Jody and Joss- Joss is so personable- just play with her or feed her and you can be her best friend for life. Thanks again for helping so much. Love, Mom
i love the picture with the spaghetti. glad we got the little extra time with debi and you all.
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