While Michaela was at girls camp with our new ward, we all went and enjoyed a local watering hole in the
Portneuf river. It was beautiful and fun.
The boys all checking out the rope swing and how deep the hole really was.
Carson earning his dinner for the night. If he went off the rope he got to go to Wing-It. As you can see he is on the rope and did let go for his dinner.
Carlos on the other hand never let go so we made him be brave and swim in the hole for his dinner, as he is still afraid of water and what it can do.
Juan was the first to take the plunge. He was brave and I was the chicken.
But.... I finally did it. I got brave and jumped right in...
The boys and me soaking our feet and looking at the tadpoles. It was cool and fun.
Carlos on the rope swing. He could really get far out there. He had fun and it was something different then Ross Park or Lava. Taking in all that nature has to
offer us for free.
Carson acting like Carlos. Carlos was afraid of the moving water and of drowning. Carlos is my very careful child. Carson was brave and loved the water.
1 comment:
I am with Carlos. I don't think I could jump off the swing. But I think I could do that kind of stuff when I was little. He is just smart to be careful. You never know when you can get hurt. But he had fun on his terms. You need to keep tract of where this place is. If Jody and Debi and their families ever come during the summer and the girls aren't pregnant, it looks like a fun place to bring people. You are brave, you know, for jumping off the swing. great post. Love, Mom
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