Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Carson in his tent that he shared with one other boy. It was roomy and spacious and I heard they played lots of card games and their tent was the hot spot to be. Can you see 10 other boys in this tent and imagine the smell. arson showered but wore some items all week long.

This was Carson's favorite merit badge that he earned. He loved repelling and climbing.

Here Carson is almost to the bottom of the tall wall. I can't remember how high he told me It was but it looks pretty tall to me.

Carson and one of his buddies trying to start a fire with just a magnifying glass. If you look close one of theirs already has some smoke. This was a long week for me but a very fun and enjoyable week for Carson. He is a Star in the Boy Scout program already and in 6 months he could be a Life Scout then 6 months later he could be and Eagle. That is the plan for right now but I do know getting the Eagle project takes a bit more effort. Carson is determined to be and Eagle Scout like his dad and scouting is one of Carson love in life, especially the fun outdoors stuff like, shooting.

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