They were dirty and black nut had a great time.
The boys had their own fun with old tires at the skate park right behind the fields.
Cheering together as a team. Lets get some BATTS!!!
Michaela running to get a ground ball.
Carson and Carlos enjoying some seeds as we watch Michaela play some softball.
Shayla pitching a great game for us. She is a great pitcher and leader. She helped our team on many games but was on the 16's team.
Bear Lake was suppose to be one of the funnest tournaments. It was fun but I must say that winning or taking a place makes the tournament evern funnier.
Michaela being ready incase taylor the catcher was going to try to get the runner on 2.
I have no idea what they are checking out but maybe this is when her sock was falling down???
Chubbuck Tournament was a great tournamtent. We are playing better together but summer is hard to have a consistant number of girls show up for practice. Can't have a good practice with just 4 girls. I didn't take many pictures of this tournament but it was a fun one.
Running home to score. Michaela had a great record of getting on base whether it be by walks or hitting she was consistant at getting on base a helping the blackrock team break "first blood" at scoring.
Juan helping out at the tournament running the scoreboard that was broken and didn't eve show the right score until he figured out a way for the innings and outs to equal the score. Pretty creative i thought.
I love this picture of Michaela consentrating on catching this ball. She did catch it and was a very great 2nd baseplayer!
Michaela trying to keep from getting hit by a ball. Like the bumn sticking out?
Michaela and Kaitlyn being silly with their fake mustaches. These two were great and kept the team happy.
Idaho Falls Tournament the girls played well but they fell short in placing. They are getting better and better yet need that extra boost to finish the game.
Michaela talking to her coach. Asking some question. I love her hands and Lisa listening.
Michaela running the bases. She is great at this and has quite the speed.
Michaela bunting. She had several awesome bunts but one was so perfect that it just dropped right infront of the plate. Fair and Michaela was safe too.
The Blackrock Curse (Pocatello/Century team)beat the Diamond Queens(composed of mainly Highland girls) a very happy day for them all.
Michaela being ready on the field. She is playing right field where many girls can't hit at this competitve league.
Michaela catching a popfly. Love that form.
Blackrock took 2nd Place at the Sandlot tournament. Way to go girls. The team has come a long way and proved they can do anything.
Another at batt for Michaela. She has really improved her batting. She got on almost every at batt. Of course you have those days when you still stike out. Don't we all have thosedays. We need redo days.
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