Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Michaela Senior Pics

My baby girl is going to be a senior this year and we have started to get ready for the BIG year we are headed for. Senior pictures are a big deal and we have started. These are a few of our favorites but with over 400 pictures taken already it's hard to choose. Thank you Aunt Jody for being a great photographer. We love you and can't wait to see you again soon.
 Fun little house and it made an even better picture.
 This is my favorite. Just being beautiful and thinking.
 One of Michaela's favorites. She loves the light.
 The two of them saw this bench and pulled over and took pictures.
 The BLUE if Michaela's ultimate favorite but everyone in Pocatello uses this site so we may go with some others where no one else has been (at least not recently).
 Her long beautiful hair.
 A great hidden shop but yet a bit creepy even in the daytime.
A full body with her favorite BLUE background. And the best part.......It was all done for free with our own camera!!!


Debi said...

The blue is pretty awesome, but she is beautiful and all of them are awesome! Love her!

Terry and Gail said...

Okay, so I could never choose which one I like best. The blue is so cool but so is the old looking stuff. Good luck on choosing. She surely takes great pictures. Love, Mom