Monday, July 22, 2013


Carlos trying to keep cool. It was a very HOT weekend. At least all of us besides Juan enjoyed the beach.
Juan grabbing a snack before he started his next game. He did 24 games in three days. He literally worked from 8am to 10pm almost everyday.
The boys enjoying the water. It was great and I even jumped in too. It was warm enough to get wet from head to toe and then dry off in a few minutes. HOT!!!
Juan behind the plate. He probably did over 20,000 squats and who knows how many steps.
Juan taking a breather....Not really but He sure enjoys this. Except for the few coaches and parents who don't realize umpires are human too.
We went to a little play about Butch Cassidy robbing the Montpelier bank. It was simple and small town play. The boys went to and reminded me it was hotter and they could perform it better.
The sexy girls at the saloon.
Butch and his gang robbing the bank. The lady in the middle is my Dad's cousin Anita Johnson.
Carson and Carlos enjoying the beach and relaxing.
Bear Lake North Beach. quite busy but no rocks, weeds, or brown stuff (as Carlos called it).
These people were playing a fun beach game with sticks and the boys thought it would be fun to play so I took a picture and am looking it up on the Internet to try to figure out what game it is. We had a fun trip but missed Michaela. She stayed and worked and was with her grandma and aunty Jody.

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

We had fun having Michaela so many days. She was great company and a great helper. This beach does look lovely. How far were you from the beach? I guess being closer than 2 hours is better even if the beach is half an hour away. That really isn't far. I will have to remember this beach. Maybe one day you and I can go down there so I can see where it is and know which beach to go to and where to reserve places to keep campers. Juan sure is a hard worker. 20,2000 squats: probably at least, huh? Love, Mom