Friday, November 11, 2011


Michaela Elena Is an Idaho Driver now. WOW!!! My little girl is growing up so fast. She is so excited to have her freedom and be able to drive on her own with out a parent. She is a good driver. I just wonder how she will be with friends in the car. No more permit...A real drivers license. Now to find a car that is not too expensive that we don't mind losing to a wreck.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Carlos was waiting at the door to trick or treat at grandmas home. He waited till she came and gave him candy before he fully enter her home. Funny kid.

Carlos showing off his magical skills. He was Harry Potter this year. He loved it and had great dun. Grandma helped him make a cool broom and I helped make a great wand that he found at school.

Carson this year had a hard time deciding what he wanted to be. I would ask and he had no clue. Finally, on Halloween afternoon, he told me he wanted to be a costume. What? I want to wear black so I can scare people at night and have costume written on my shirt. He sounds just like my brother-in-law, Tate. Sorry Tate, but someone is following in your footsteps of playing it safe. He however got a mask so no one would know who he was. Did he trick any of you?

Grandma at the trunk or treat in Carson's mask but took it off because it stunk like marker.
It was a fun trunk or treat. Lots of mom's ward are kids I teach at school.

Carson and Carlos trunk or treating. They also went trick or treating in our neighborhood and in Carlos's teachers neighborhood. They had a blast together after they knew no one cared what they were for Halloween.

Carson trying to steal more candy. He was being a pest and teasing grandma. He was fun.

Carson weighing his candy. He weighed himself then his candy. Guess how much candy he got? 5 pounds of candy. Wow!!!! His other friend got 6.5 pounds. Way to much.

Carlos with some of his candy. We gave out candy that Carson and Carlos received that they didn't like to trick or treaters that came to our home. We didn't have to buy but 2 bags of small candy bars and the rest was re-trick or treated. Is that a word? It was fun and Juan gave handfuls of it out. I think Carson probably had more than just 5 pounds because we had already gave away many pieces when he decided to weigh his candy. A fun Halloween but I must say, I lacked the Halloween spirit this year with being to busy with school and work. There is always next year. Picatures of Michaela to come soon. She did go trick or treatin but as herself. The weekend before she went to a party as a nerd with two other friends. They were cute and pictures to follow.