Monday, April 26, 2010

Twin Falls Soccer Tournament

The first game against Boise International was tough but the boys played their hearts out.
Carson going for a ball in the second game . We won this game and were glad to win.

Carson and Michaela and Carlos getting ready to jump in the pool. Taking a little rest after the game. We had fun and camped in our camper. The second use of our new camper. It was fun.

Carlos with Jon and Ben in the pool. This is our neighbors. Both Carson and Carlos are on the same teams with Jon and Ben.

Pocatello United with their smiles and great job well done. They came in 2nd place out of 9 teams. Great job Pocatello United.

Carson showing me the medal and pins they received. Carson played his heart out. Love you Carson and thanks for letting us watch and cheer for you!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Carson is 11 years old!!!

My Carson is now 11 years old. Wow has time flown that fast. That just means I'm getting that much older. Scary. I wonder what he wished for?
Carson opening some of his gifts from his friends. Thanks to all who came and help us celebrate.

Carson peaking through one of his cards. Is there something in it?........Of course. $$$$$

Carson and some of his buddies coming home from Outer Limits.

Carson playing a shooting game with one of his buddies, Austin.

Carlos getting all the tickets he can. He loves playing games and just having fun.

Carson and Korbin shooting some hoops at Outer Limits Fun zone.
A fun place to have a birthday especially on those cold rainy days. Although Carson's birthday party had perfect weather. We couldn't ask for better. Love you Carson and Happy 11th Birthday!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Soccer season in Full Force!!!

Carlos at one of his soccer games. He enjoys it but I don't think he loves it like Carson. I guess we will have to see as he grows up.

Carlos waiting for a throw in. He sure ran his heart out at soccer.

Carson just finishing kicking the ball at one of his soccer tournaments. They won and he had a fun time. He did a ton at this game and was all over the Field. Busy and tired after.

Carson relaxing on our way home from Twin Falls.

Carson at one of his first soccer games. He is waiting for the kick off. He is fun to watch. Carson is playing competitive soccer. He knows the plays and sees the players before they see their self where they are suppose to be.His brain is moving so fast it's hard to keep up. Something every night. Wow! Could we be busier? Yes, but at least we are not bored. We are busy taking him to soccer and Carlos to soccer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Michaela's easter eggs she dyed to be hidden at grandmas the next day.

Carson posing with his Easter eggs. I love this tradition and the kids have so much fun doing it.

Carlos loves to be creative and loves to get pictures taken. They had a blast at grandmas and dyed 60 eggs to be hidden. WOW!!!

Carlos opening his basket on Easter Sunday. The Easter bunny left them outside, I wonder why?....could he have been tired and forgot? He made up for it though.
Carson with one of his baskets and getting all the great candy money, and church activity book, jacket, and did I say candy?

Michaela sporting her new outfit and some "nocandy" items because she is doing the same candy bet her mom did at her age.

Carlos searching for his eggs. New rules for the hunt. You could only get your eggs. If you found someone elses you were to leave it there and search for your own. A great plan and no one faught.

Michaela searching for her eggs. She was a great finder and tried to not say whose egg was whose when she would find it.

Carson searching High, low, and under things. He had a great eye but his were hidden well. He was the one who couldn't find two eggs. Good thing Grandma made a map of every egg hidden so her home would not smell yucky later. Smart Grandma. Can you tell she has had a lot of practice?

The dinner table set so great on Easter Sunday after conference and all the great Easter Bunny celebration we so on Saturday now to keep them separate. My mom's idea again. A great one at that and we can be spiritual one day and fun the others.