Monday, September 29, 2008

Grandma's Are Great!

Michaela getting lessons by grandma and working hard to learn her notes.
Carson's turn for lessons. He is very good and loves the fast songs.
Carlos loves his lessons and is doing great! He almost enjoys music too much, if that is possible.
What would I do without my mom. She helps us with everything. She listens to me wine, listens to our children wine, helps watch our children when we go to the temple, gives advice, and is our childrens piano teacher and puts up with their attitudes on those not so good days. She is great. I know I don't tell her often but she has made a big differents in our children. They love going to grandma and grandpas house. They like the simple things she does with them. Playing games, reading, going on hikes, just out to eat for fun or just watching a movie with them. Grandmas are awesome and remember to thank them often. I love you Mom!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Michaela's photography work

Michaela's creative eye and Having fun with the camera.
Her first picture of the day and she loved it and gave her eyes a jump start. She remind me of my sister Jody, smart and has an eye for photography.

A great picture of Carson on the move (Michaela took the picture ).

Carson as center and waiting for the ball. He is very talented with soccer. He knows where eveyone is.
Getting ready for the game to begin. Michaela was brave and zoomed in and got right up close. Michaela is doing great. Michaela is following after my two sisters. She loves them a tone and wants to be like them. She asked me what Jody and Debi took in Junior High and of course asked me. I told her and guess what. She's following just like Jody ( I know Debi took the same classes too). Who would of guessed. They have a great bond. She is adjusting to junior high great and loves Art and year book staff. These pictures are all a result of her practicing for year book staff. I think she has a great eye and is off to a great start.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kindergarten is GREAT!!!!

Does life get any better than this? Carlos and George.
Carlos loves school. And is so excited to be a big boy and ride on the bus. They grow up sooo fast.