Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween 2013

Here are four of our 6 Jack-o-lanterns:
Carlos=star and mini jack-o-lantern
Carson = the evil second from the left jack-o-lantern
Michelle= BOO!
arson carving his pumpkin. He was creative. He didn't cut anything out just slashed in the pumpkin to make a face.
Carlos carving one of his pumpkins.
Of course, I carved one too and this was good for me as I have been swamped with homework. I guess that is what 3 college courses are suppose to do.
Carson and Carlos in the front patio. Notice the posing. It was great!
Michaela carving her pumpkin. She was gone when we did it so her and her dad carved them the next day together.
 Michaela loves to play in the goop.
 Michaela and her finished Jack-o-lantern. She was quite creative. Her dad helped with a second one too.
 Her finished Jack-o-lantern in the dark.
Halloween is a favorite. Just wait to see what Carlos is this year. It was quite easy but did take some time to create. No wonder kids like to play with boxes. Take a guess and find out later this week what Carlos was for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Highland Soccer Season Comes To An End

This year Carson played Highland Soccer. He made the Varsity team and also was allowed to play for the JV team. He had a great time and enjoyed all the boys on his team. Here are some of the last pictures I took. It was cold at some and great weather at others. It was also some $300 cheaper, if you can believe that.
Carson playing at his last game which was at a district game. They only had one and lost but he had a great time. Next year should be better. The team loses nine seniors but the JV team did quite well.
Can you spot Carson?.......The ball is his head. If you paid me I could not of gotten this for a million dollars but here it is because I was trying to get his face.
Carson in some great action shots. He was a great leader and liked being with the older boys. They were quite good examples.
Carson kicking a corner kick. He actually had an assist as one of his teammates kicked it in.
The end of the corner kick. I like the muscles and how he puts everything he has into the game.
Carson on the move and some good body to body.
Another corner but look, He is not touching the ground at all. I guess He can fly.
I love this picture because Carson has the biggest smile and it is all natural. It's hard to get this smile to come into view. This is how I knew Carson enjoyed soccer this year as a Highland Ram.
Carson waiting to be put in at a game. It was raining and I liked the angle I took this shot at.
The goalie of the Varsity team got injured pretty bad at one of their games so he played with the JV a lot. This is how he played for the last 3 weeks. He had two broken fingers and a hurt back. Don't you like his mittens.
The season was very physical. The ambulance is here for a boy that played with Carson on his traveling soccer team. He dislocated his knee and pulled ligaments too. The game was canceled and we never did make it up. I've heard he is doing better but doesn't know if he will be able to play soccer anymore.
Carson made a penalty shot too this year to score his first goal in high school. It was pretty exciting. It was a beautiful kick and he is not cursed by the crossbar. YEAH!

Steelers Football Comes To A Close

Carlos played Tackle football for the first time this year. He enjoyed it but yet didn't enjoy it. This year was a bit rough as he played positions he never played last year in flag football. He missed running and catching the ball this year but enjoyed being the punter.
Here Carlos is waiting for the snap. He played safety and corner. He played other places but I can't remember their names.
Carlos running along side a kid.
Carlos punting for. He did quite well and loved to see how far he could get it to go.
The sign we paid for so the kids could run through it like the Pros do.
Carlos getting ready to Punt.
Carlos being Carlos. He waved at us and was always looking to see if we were watching.

He is a great kid and very thoughtful. This was a hard year with coaches and not much positive reinforcement. Carlos was told he needed to work harder and he told me he was. At the beginning of the season he weighed 77 pounds and when the season finished, which was about 6 weeks later, he had lost 15 pounds. He now weighs 62 pounds. Do you think he worked hard? Like my mom says, "Men and their sports."

Hunting with all the wounds and fun

Carson wanted to go hunting this season but when hunting season started he was
playing soccer at districts. As soon as Soccer season ended. Carson and his dad
went out to hunt. Needless to say Carson got injured. The gun he went to shoot with
KICKED a bit too hard and Carson ended up getting 12 stitches.
Carson and right after the injury.
Carson getting stitches. He was brave I was told by his dad and sister.  
This is a big deal because Carson has never liked needles and
 FREAKS OUT major when he does see them.
Carson after he received his stitches.

These were taken the next day. Yes, Carson, His Dad and Carlos went back out
the next day because The first hunting trip was cut a bit short.
Carson checking his Binoculars.

Carson got one already. He was trying to wait for a buck but wasn't seeing anything.
Right after he shot this doe what walked by them.....Yes a buck. Isn't that his luck.

Carlos scoping out the place. He has fun and excited to be with the guys.
Juan went hunting earlier in the week and he got a 2 point buck.
They named it Elliott because he had a broken antler like Elliot in Open season.
I guess this is why I don't hunt. I would of left Elliott alone.
Juan and his buck. Juan hasn't hunted much but with Carson loving it Juan has started it all back up. We give the meat away and make some into jerky.  This year we thought we would try hamburger, steak, sausage, and one more I can't remember but I'm guessing the kids may not enjoy the gamey flavor. I'll let you all know.
Carson is already up for his next hunting trip. I want to send him out to get our turkey. I guess we will see. I think he would love a wild turkey hunt.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Michaela was asked by a friends of hers to go to his schools homecoming dance. She of course said yes. He goes to Century and they had a whole day dedicated to this dance. They went for a motorcycle ride up Blackrock Canyon and had a picnic. Then went to dinner and the dance.

 Michaela posing for a few pictures for her mom. Her hair is getting long although she is not getting taller. Carlos and Michaela are about the same height now.

The fun shoes she got to wear. She borrowed these from a friend.