Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter is great! Especially with Family and Friends.

This Easter weekend we were swapmed with Soccer and baptisms, so the kids didn't go to any Easter egg hunts. We were glad of that but the kids miss not searching for eggs. Their grandma was so great to set one up for them in her yard. They had great fun and searched and searched for two lost eggs that we finally had to give up on. Grandma couldn't remember where she hide them either. All we were glad about was the eggs were out side and will not smell or bring mice in the house. We thank you Grandma and hope we can have many more great Easter egg hunts with you again.
Carson searching for his treasure of eggs.
Carson, Carlos and Michaela looking for eggs all together, but not for long. They split up to find them faster.

Carlos looking for any great finds he can find. We sure miss our cousins. It's funnier with more competition and lots of eggs. Maybe next year we can have a friend Easter egg hunt at grandmas. We have had that thought several years in a row. Now we need to take action. But what does Easter really mean......


Terry and Gail said...

Hey, I think a friend's easter egg hunt would be great. I would be more than willing to do that. I would just hope it would be sunny. I wouldn't want to hide that many eggs in my house and have that many kids running through it to find the eggs. The next time we have a late Easter like this year, lets give it a go. I love the idea. Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

maybe next time mom should make a map of where she hides the eggs! :)