Sunday, July 25, 2010

Debi, Loni, and Ada Visit us in Idaho/ Pioneer Day Celebration

Our visit with Debi started out with a visit to our local Wendy's restaurant. We had lunch and then spent the rest of the day together and the rest of the weekend.
This is Ada begging for more Frosty. She loved it and it was a big treat for her.

Grandma and Grandpa asked Debi, Loni, Ada, Michaela, Carson, and Carlos if they would like to be in the Parade again. Of course they said yes and had a blast throwing candy to everyone especially people they knew.

After the parade, Grandma had volunteered to work at the snow cone shack and her helper from church bailed so all the grand kids decided to pitch in and help plus get free snow cones. Our neighbor Austin was great help too. He helped dump the ice and grind it up.

Here Michaela is getting ready to put some flavoring on the snow cone. She had a blast working with all the boys in grandmas ward. They are really neat boys. Too bad they are all going to Pocatello High School.

Carson helping get ice into the snow cone machine. The ice is so important and he was a great help. He also had so much fun doing something so important.

Loni and Carlos taking a breather. They were busy putting flavor and handing the snow cones to people. They got tired and wanted to enjoy their own snow cone.

Loni petting a goat at the petting zoo. She loved walking among the animals.

Sean, Jake, and Whitney eating at the barbecue Grandma had to get us all together. It was fun but we didn't get to see Nick, Tony, or Joe. What a bummer.

Ada eating a Popsicle. She loved it and she sure loves her Mommy. I guess you soak it all up now because one day she may not love her Mommy so much.

Ada drinking every tiny drop of Popsicle. She didn't want to waste anything. This is the first part of Debi's visit. We get her back again in August and we will have a birthday party For Loni and then say goodbye on August 11. Oh by the way Debi is 6 months pregnant and the baby is due October 30. It's a boy too. Yeah!!!! Another boy to help them catch up with the girl cousins. Carson and Carlos are out numbered 4 to 2.

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

Such a good post. all this was before my incapacitation. I miss those easy moving days!!! I loved the kids help at the snow cone booth. That was just a great day. I am wondering how it will all play out when I go in October to Debi's. Will Ada go to me or will the baby be my main responsibility. I think I will have to fight Loni for the baby when she is home from school. That is okay. I need to cook at night. Thanks for the great post. Love, Mom