Friday, September 9, 2011

End of Summer Fun

Carlos enjoying some grapes and just enjoying the opportunity to be at Lava.

Carson giving a pose and being Carson. It's great when Carson shows his silly side.

Michaela with her thumbs up from jumping of the platforms. She went off the 2nd platform 3 or 4 times with no problem.

Michael jummped off the third platform. She is quite brave. I remember doing it once when I was 15 but I don't remembering ever doing it again.

We made a fast trip to Lava before school began. We soaked up some sun and let the kids swim and enjoy their last day of freedom.


Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

cool. they have a slide there now? i haven't been there in FOREVER! probably won't really go until the kids are older and would enjoy it. but it looks like so much fun!

Terry and Gail said...

Jody, if you look a little closer that is not a slide, it is just a new staircase up to the platforms for diving. I am glad you guys had a fun last hurrah at Lava. I hate the end of summer. Summer is such a cool hot time. Love, Mom