Monday, February 13, 2012

Carlos and his Scout Cake

The finished cake. We decided to not have all the detail just outline the cake. Can you see the emblem? It was a carrot cake with banana cream cheese frosting. Yummy to some and not so yummy for others. But Carlos loved what he had made and Carson enjoyed eating most of this cake, as he loves carrot cake *mostly because of the frosting).

Carlos and the almost done Cake. This was his idea and it was funny because my mom had the exact same idea in mind.

This past week Carlos had the Blue and Gold Banquet at scouts. He has had a blast in scouts and we are having a great time with this new ward. They are all about the fun for the boys and learning the importance of the scouting program. I am grateful to all his leaders and the time and effort they put into teaching and caring for these boys. He looks forward to going every week and wants to be a great scouter like his brother, Carson.


Terry and Gail said...

Why do I always forget my camera? This was a yummy cake and very cute and I am so glad that both Carlos and Carson like Scouts. Scout stuff is boy stuff... I wish I would have understood that better when Steve was young. Good post, Michelle. We have so much fun attending the events and being with you. Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

love the cake! good job carlos.