Monday, April 23, 2012

Carson is an official teenager, AAHHHH!!!

 Carson blowing out his birthday candles. He is officially 13. WOW!!!
Carson making a big wish. He hasn't had a party yet because he is so busy. Also, his sister and brother are just as busy and his mother is busy trying to keep up with all their sports, school and the house. I don't know how anyone with more than two kids does this, unless you miss a lot which I hate to miss anything.


Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

i want some cake!!! happy bday carson!

Debi said...

What kind of "cake" is that? It looks yummy. Happy Birthday!

Terry and Gail said...

The cake is a result of a flop, Debi. I made an angel food cake to cut up and use for strawberry shortcake. But when I flipped over the pan to cool the angel food cake the whole thing fell out. So I ripped it in pieces and made a strawberry shortcake lazagna. I mixed up some vanilla pudding and added whipped cream and put that as the bottom layer. Next came a layer of ripped caked. Then some more pudding topped with just sliced strawberries. More torn cake. Pudding... sliced strawberries... rest of pudding then topped with whipped cream. Add the candles and blow them out. Then scoop out the cake treat and top with sliced strawberries that have made their own juices. Can add ice cream and whipped cream and chocolate and caramel sauce, too, if you's like. And now for a comment to Michelle. Good post. I don't know how you do it all either. Love, Mom