Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Carson's Surgery

Carson was playing basketball way back in February and got elbowed in the face. It bled and then this bubble appeared. We had it lanced by a dentist and they said it would go away. But it kept coming back. They then said as soon as he gets his braces off it will disappear. As you can see in these pictures he still has his braces on. So what did we decide. We went to an oral surgeon who is much more knowledgeable on the mouth than a normal dentist. He told us that Carson had injured his salivary glands and that it will not fix itself and that the braces will not make it go away. The only choice he has is surgery. So we made the appointment to knock Carson out and get this big bubble removed. He looked like he was chewing  or had a big wad of cotton in his lip before. This bubble was BIG. It was bugging him too.

 This is what they removed plus some. They had to remove more than they thought because other salivary glands were hurt. This is the chunk and it was about as big as your thumb tip (a women's thumb).
 Here is the after and the stitched mouth. He did well in surgery and didn't even freak when they put the IV in or even flinch when they pocked him. Carson has this major fear of needles and he did extremely well. He is now excited to show off his wound but has to miss soccer and possible 3 days of school to relax.


Terry and Gail said...

Yes... well now Carson and I have something in common! Weird how it stays inflated and thick... I didn't get to see mine. I fell cheated! Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

gross! glad it all went well to remove it though. :)

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

Eeeewwww!!!! That's disgusting! :)

Debi said...

That is funny! I saw it and said, mom had one of those! Crazy! Glad he got it removed so he doesn't look like he has tabacco in his mouth or something! Love ya Debi