Monday, May 30, 2011

End of Year Award Assemblies

This year both Carson and Carlos received big awards at their awards assemblies. We were asked by Carson's 6th grade teacher to have both Juan and I at the awards assembly but if this ever happens again we will divide and conquer so we can at least say one of us was there for our child. We feel awful about missing Carlos's and know he has worked just as hard as Carson this year in school. Thanks to my mom we have photos of Carlos receiving his awards.

Carlos receiving the AR award in 2nd grade. He had the most AR point in his class and read the most words in his class. We are very proud of him and He truly does love reading.

Carlos receiving the Lions Essay contest award. He took 3rd place and has become a great writer. He also won an essay contest for his mother and I receives a gem stone from a jewelry store here in town (valued about $300). WOW!!!!

Carlos posing with his awards for grandma. He was so proud yet sad we , his parents weren't able to share in this celebration.

Carson receiving the Hope of America award in 6th grade. This is the biggest award a 6th grader can receive. Carson wrote and essay, did service, received good grades (straight "A's") and was nominated by his teachers. It was an honor yet he was a little shy.

Carson posing so Juan could take a picture of Carson receiving the award.

Carson holding the Hope Of America award so I could get a close up of him and his award. A great day for both the boys and we will make sure we divide and conquer next time. Love you both!!!


Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

great job boys!! carson is looking so much older. can't figure out why but he does. congrats again!

Terry and Gail said...

He looks older because he is getting older. In just a few years he will be on his mission and that soon after that I will be a great grandma. Things are getting scary. I am proud of both boys. They are good workers and nice people. I wish I could see Carson's receiving of his hope of America Award... that was really hard for me to miss. I am glad Dad went though. It is a huge honor to be selected for that award. Love, Mom