Sunday, October 21, 2012

Michaela 1st homecoming Dance

 Michaela and Stihl at her official first date. She had a blast and was very excited to go on this date/dance

Sorry about the view. I can't figure how to flip it. But they were happy and cooperative.
 Michaela and Kaitlin. Her friend/cousin.
A great picture of their full outfits. She was so cute and ready for this dance.


Debi said...

How beautiful! Thanks for posting the pics Shell. You have a gorgeous daughter all grown up and going on dates! AAAHHH! Love her.

Terry and Gail said...

Well I am totally against the growing up part... but I have no choice in the matter and God made us to grow up... what was He thinking? But Debi is right... she does look lovely and grown up. Thank you for posting. Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

micheala looks great! hope she had a blast. thanks for posting so we could see her all dressed up. cute dress!
ps you'll have to post the pictures she got taken at the dance too! :)