Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas 2013

A great Christmas and even funnier time with family. The Christmas break could not be long enough. We all enjoyed the relaxing time and not having to wake up early.
Family night and reading The saviors birth story.
Tyler punching Michaela's bum. He was funny but enjoyed sitting and being 2.
Carson reading his part in the saviors birth.
Joss taking a picture while I was taking a picture. Funny she is already at this stage. growing too fast.
Joss writing her letter to Jesus for his birthday gift.
Christmas morning. It was quite a Christmas for our kidos. Notice the great gifts they received. They made a haul and still had more at grandmas.
All three ready to get started at opening the gifts from Santa and mom and dad.
Carson help open one of Juan's gifts but had to open the safe to get one of his gifts.
Yes and I caught the smile of his excitement. YES!!!
Check out his new weapon for hunting.
Carson and his gifts. Most gifts were hunting but he was able to get some clothes and other great stuff. Michaela did not organize her gifts but she received a laptop, clothes, shoes, and a few other great gifts.
At grandmas to get ready to open more gifts with Jody, Tate, Joss, and Tyler. Tyler and Joss made a haul. Santa was nice to us all.
Michaela with some of her gifts.
Tyler wanted to try on Carlos boots but had troubles walking in them.
Here Tyler is playing with one of his trucks with Carlos' boots on still.
Grandma bought these Santa hats so we thought we would take a picture with them on for her. We got some great pictures and had fun being silly. Enjoy the next few photos. We did.

See how much fun 2 to 17 year old kids have at Christmas. Who cares how old you are we all enjoy laughing and fun!
I love this of the three. They all have great smiles and actually enjoy each other after all those late nights.
These kids are great and had so much fun together. You would never know that they were all so far apart. Michaela (17), Carson (14), Carlos (11), Joss (4), and Tyler (2) but they all acted 4 and 2.


Terry and Gail said...

We did have alot of fun and we were up alot of late nights. I think that is one reason I got so many cold sores or fever blisters or whatever they are because I didn't have a cold or a fever (probably not enough sleep and too many sweets!) Christmas is an equalizer and I am so grateful your children know how to let their hair down and have plain old fashioned fun which 2 and 4 years old just seem to naturally know how to do. Thanks for the post. Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

thanks for the post. i just wrote on mom's that i like to see pictures of the same event but from different cameras! love the santa hat pictures. those were fun. glad everyone would participate! it can be our new tradition. :)

Terry and Gail said...

One thing I forgot to say... in that picture where Jocelyn is taking a picture... the angle makes it look like she has a star on top of her head. I love that picture. Good job, on the shot. Love, Mom