Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kiwanis club reception

Carson with some of the winners from the Lions Club essay contest.

Carson wrote a great Lions club essay and we are at the reception for all the winners in the city. Not to many showed up but those who did enjoyed a ton of cookies, litterally they told the kids and parents to take as many as they wanted so they had no leftovers. Who doesnt like leftovers?


Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

once again, congrats to carson! loved the essay.

Terry and Gail said...

U loved the essay, too. I love Carson. I am so proud of him for working hard to be a good student, a good citizen and just an all around good kid/person. I was always so happy with my children for the good things they do and still do. But I am just as happy for the good things my grandkids do. I love my family. I am not the best grandmother and I probably don't love and appreciate things like I should or in the proper way... but for all that is in me to do that, I really do love and appreciate and feel so good about my grandchildren. I pray for each and every one of them every day. Love, Mom