Monday, June 25, 2012

Football is starting... Carlos

Carlos started football right after he got home from California. He was excited to play but bummed that he didn't know anyone. But at practice we found out he had one player that was on his team last year and he was okay to stay.

Carlos running the ball for a touchdown. He runs with ease and makes football look easy.

Carlos being the quarterback. He has the brains and enjoys throwing the ball or faking a throw. His favorite play is called the "Statue of Liberty."
Carlos throwing the ball for a touchdown. Miles and him make a great team but the others have to help or there is no blocking.
Carlos again running a ball in for a touchdown.
Carlos being the center for a fake play. He then becomes the quarterback and throws the ball to the boy who was acting as quarterback.
Carlos playing on the defence. He is fast and loves to get flags. He rarely is on defence.

1 comment:

Terry and Gail said...

I love watching him play football... he does look good and is smart and able to really help his team win the game. My favorite though is to just watch him run with the ball. He looks so fleet of foot when he does that. Nice post. Love, Mom