Monday, August 10, 2009

Vacation at Lagoon, Utah!!!

Michaela and Juan all smiles after riding the Colosass at Lagoon.
Juan and Michaela on the Colossass.

Juan all alone on the Rocket Blaster. A very fast, high in the air ride.

Juan waiting to ride the Rocket Blaster. Doesn't he look a bit nervous?

Michaela, Carlos, Carson, and Juan on the Tea cups. I am not in alot of these pictures because I took them all and I get motion sick just watching the rides. A big bummer for me but fun for the kids.

Michaela, Carson, and Carlos on the train ride through a zoo.

Resting and swimming at Lagoona Beach. We had a great vacation at Lagoon and the kids want to go back soon. Thanks Juan for the fun!!!!

Michaela and Carlos on an elevatorish ride. This was like the Rocket blaster but mini.


Terry and Gail said...

Big catch up day on your blogging site. All of the events look like everyone had a lot of fun. That is what summer is supposed to be about. Still fun is tons of work. Love, Mom

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

good ol' lagoon. has it changed much?